Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Why Didn't Anyone Tell Me???

So...I went to Subway yesterday (inside a Walmart), and while listening to some girls behind me talk about dating, I thought to myself...why didn't I ever think of that??? So, here goes. Girl #1 is talking about who knows what. The guy she likes doesn't like her back, she's been pursuing him, he's not responding, yeah yeah yeah, we've all been there, right??? So, girl #2 starts to talk. She's telling this story about the guy she's dating. He's great, he's wonderful, she loves him, the whole she-bang. But, when they talk about "the relationship", he says, "I love you, and I love spending time with you, but I'm not thinking about marrying you anytime soon". She says ok, that's cool. But she wants to know where this is headed, and he says he'll think about it. So...instead of sending him on his merry way after "the talk", and allowing him to think about things and figure it out (which is what I would think to do)...nope! Not at all! He stays the night, they sleep together, and in the morning she says, "so...have you figured things out yet?" I've been doing it all wrong! Apparently you don't do what I've been doing! You let him tell you he doesn't even think about marrying you at that moment, sleep with him, and then hope that by doing that, he'll have the answer that he wants to be with you and marry you. Makes perfect sense, right??? Right....

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

the center of life

you can't live with out it of course. it always seems to become the center of most things. firesides, social events, linger longers, or just even the movies, or when you hang out with people. FOOD is like a necessity of almost every aspect of life.

so when it comes to dating, eating in front of boys always seems to be one of those situations that you think twice. what do you order? you go to a place you really really like, and you want the full meal, with a big sandwich (that probably could feed two, but lets be honest it is so good that you want to eat it yourself), a side of fries (bottomless), and coleslaw, and of course you need a good diet coke to take of the edge of the first date.

but then you think about who is sitting across from you; mr. beautiful. what would he think if you ate the entire plate of food? so... the girl opts to eat a salad.

and dessert.... OF COURSE, you are starving. a "love it" size from coldstone ice cream would be right up your alley, but again, you gotta be modest. i'll take a kids size with one mix in. at the end of the night we all know, that we'll go home and scrounge for something to eat.

WHY? why do we do this to ourselves? i saw a girl take an entire pack of starburst, and down every last piece in a 2 minutes flat. but you know if mr. beautiful were sitting next to her she totally would have rationed her pack of starburst over several hours, or at least half of the pack, and the down the rest in less than 45 seconds.

i would love to say that i love food to much that mr. beautiful wouldn't interupt my eating habits, but i think it is part of being a girl. LAME!

food is good, appreciate it! don't be ashamed of eating. i figure the bigger the girl, means that she either cooks good or knows what the meaning of good food is. therefore, mr. beautiful will know he won't be eating ramen noodles for eternity!

don't be ashamed of ordering what you want, eat it!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Braids galore!

So, I've recently become a huge fan of the braiding of the bangs. It's something simple, takes just a few minutes, and just adds that cute little feminine touch to your hair! I think I don't go a day without seeing some girl with it in their hair now, and I have to admit, atleast 3 days of the week I, too have one in my hair! Here's a few examples!