Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Why Didn't Anyone Tell Me???

So...I went to Subway yesterday (inside a Walmart), and while listening to some girls behind me talk about dating, I thought to myself...why didn't I ever think of that??? So, here goes. Girl #1 is talking about who knows what. The guy she likes doesn't like her back, she's been pursuing him, he's not responding, yeah yeah yeah, we've all been there, right??? So, girl #2 starts to talk. She's telling this story about the guy she's dating. He's great, he's wonderful, she loves him, the whole she-bang. But, when they talk about "the relationship", he says, "I love you, and I love spending time with you, but I'm not thinking about marrying you anytime soon". She says ok, that's cool. But she wants to know where this is headed, and he says he'll think about it. So...instead of sending him on his merry way after "the talk", and allowing him to think about things and figure it out (which is what I would think to do)...nope! Not at all! He stays the night, they sleep together, and in the morning she says, "so...have you figured things out yet?" I've been doing it all wrong! Apparently you don't do what I've been doing! You let him tell you he doesn't even think about marrying you at that moment, sleep with him, and then hope that by doing that, he'll have the answer that he wants to be with you and marry you. Makes perfect sense, right??? Right....


  1. That's disgusting. It makes me seriously feel sick. How old were these girls?!

  2. i would've stepped in and said, i think you need to read/watch "HE'S JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU"! sounds like their life/relationships are patterned very similarly. maybe they can learn something. and two.....are you seriously talking about this IN SUBWAY! oh right, you are NOT in a glass cage that allows no one else to hear you. (maybe a glass cage of emotion, but that is about it), the rest of subway can still hear you and your issues.
