Thursday, June 25, 2009

are there gentleman?

i think it'd be safe to say that every girl dreams of a guy that is gentleman, in one way or another. but do you think that chivalry has disappeared ? or is it still around?

the other day i say a lady, who was in her mid thirties, take a HUGE dive off the curb. she was on her cell phone and in heels. but in seconds, her cell phone and portfolio went the other way. luckily her heel didn't break! but as she was picking herself up, and reassuring her friend on the phone that she was ok, after her doozie, this young man, mid to late twenties approached her and asked if she was ok or needed any help.

i would say a little late, but at the same time i was very impressed! yeah he may have been late but he asked! that says a lot!

i am not one to have a guy open my door, while i am in the car, but i think it says something when he holds the door open, or when a guy stands up for the women who leave, or when they take the initiative in any situation.


  1. It's still very much a live. I am married to the king of chivalry!

  2. It's those tiny little things that make the biggest difference! I totally agree with the holding my door for me. Or another one...when a guy will walk closest to the street. Do you know what I'm talking about? Like if you're on a sidewalk, he will walk on the side that is closest to the street. I know there are still some gentlemen out there!

  3. I'd also like to add that today I went to a pool party, and a boy gave me his seat so I could sit down and eat, because there were no more at the table. They can be gentlemen!! :)

  4. They don't come around very often, but their out there! I have a friend that I've known since elementry school that is such a gentleman! We are just friends, but he never lets me pay for anything, he always opens doors for me and he sent me flowers on my bday just to be nice. And he does that with every girl, not just me. It's totally refreshing!
