Monday, June 8, 2009

is that necessary?

every week at singles ward, i can be guaranteed (usually) that i can walk away with a good story, or some sort of absurd thing that was done during the three hours that i am amongst these young, attention seeking, adults.

as the new girl, i was first presented with this situation:
a done up girl...making it known as she looked into the sacrament hall, that she was looking for "her friend Brian". two things... 1.) she IS friends with a boy and 2.) his name is brian so back off!
great! nice to meet you as well....yes i am new here, and no worries i won't even LOOK at brian!

finally entered in sacrament meeting! but of course, even though church begins at 2 pm... people still walk in late. but no worries, if you want to be noticed you don't even need to make your strut to the front pews cause i think that half of the congregation looks back as they hear the door open or close. why? oh right, because they either want to know what they have to work with for the next three hours, or who is skipping out of church early.

oh, that is just hour 1....hour two, sunday school.
if you are a return missionary does that make you better than everyone? or is it necessary to announce that you are an rm.. like you know the doctors.. " Hello jimmy... i am Dr. Shepard..." some rm's feel the need to announce it.. " Hi i have a question... i mean i am a return missionary, but i have a question."

and then topper.. a room full of girls! we're talking like 40 girls...young adult women. but at times i felt like i was in young womens!

during announcements, and really, in the middle of an announcement for the temple. a girl felt that her announcement was VERY important!

*now if you can imagine this highly done up girl, who did in fact sit next to 'brian's friend', with a voice that you might associate with a member of mean girls, or maybe a ditzy girl in high school, or even legally blonde (minus the law school part)... ok that is this girl.

so she proceeds to say in her delicate voice 'so... this saturday, well, ITS MY BIRHTDAY PARTY, and you are all invited!!'
oh great! that is awesome! i was just invited to cher's birthday party (from the movie clueless) ! (ps.. there is going to be a jet ski, but you have to pay to ride it, and yes she said that)

oh singles ward.. i love it. now don't get me wrong. i am not trying to say i am better then everyone in this ward, or that i am cooler than ms. cher, nor am i friends with people cooler than brian, but i just am astonished with what people really do, and wonder if this is all really appropriate or necessary.


  1. Haha....I love it! I can't believe someone would the middle of a temple announcement mind you...announce her birthday party in the middle of relief society! come on girls...we're not in young womens!

  2. totally loved it!! gotta say i hate when rms use the rm as title. but check this....ther was a kid in my ward who actually stated in his homecoming talk about 50 times, and i quote "now i got the RM, licence to marry." and he was serious!!! honestly i about died everytime he said it! all the parents in the ward who had daughters covered them up and told their daughters to not even look at him for fear that he might get some ideas.

    and the announcing of the b day party reminded me more of primary than of young womens... well come to thing of it i never went to young womens! anyways, very childish. but quite funny.
