Thursday, June 4, 2009

hit me with your 7 digits

how does one go about asking for the opposite gender's number...well some people have NO SHAME!

just last sunday in my great experience with the singles ward, i watched the same guy get two girls' magical digits in a matter of 10 minutes. and really not in a sly way. in the middle of announcement, he slyly stated... "if i get their late, or if i get lost, can i call you? what's your number". sure i guess that way works.

or, always the waving of the cell phone in hand. trying to get it without directly asking for it. or what about the .. hey can i see your phone, that is a cool model, he then slips in his number and calls his phone so he can get your number. * you think i am making this up.. NOPE, this is a true story! i am a witness!

honestly be a man! say...'hey can i call you and hang out sometime?

but the best one of all, happened one summer with the seller boys (you know the pinnacle, apex, security alarm boys) and a friend. he thought he'd be sly by prefacing the cell phone investigation, with a classic pick-up line.

IN THE MIDDLE OF SUNDAY SCHOOL... he turns around and asks my friend sitting next to me...are you from tenessee? response.. NO! (she was actually from out of state) his response, oh well you are the only ten i see...and felt he then had the upper hand and could go in for the cell phone swipe! ( i believe this could lead to a totally separate post in itself.. pick-up lines.. whats is the best one you've heard?)

i love this video....can i get your number? someday, it'll just be smooth. i mean i guess it is where it all starts!


  1. Seriously!!!!! Why can't a guy just ask for your number anymore, or just call you up to hang out, or better yet ask you out. Why does it have to be this complicated game? I don't get it.

  2. well you'd get it if you had to ask the number!! i mean i asked a girl like that, "hey can i have your number" and i felt like a complete retard. but the clip was pretty much hilarious! im definately going to have to try some of those lines. "the back of your head is rediculous!" that was pretty good!

  3. Ok, ok, I guess you're right Kyle. I mean, after a guy just asked me for my number, I'd probably talk about that and say, "this weirdo asked for my number" But I remembered a story! A guy came up to me and my friend the other day in church, and totally tried to get in on our conversation. We were talking about our own guy situations at the time, and then said something about watching "You've Got Mail" He totally said he wanted to watch it with us, and that we should call him. He told us to put his number in our phones, which we did, and then told us to call him so he could watch the movie and also get our numbers...which neither of us did, haha!!! Too funny!! He's a little ladies man, and neither one of us really have the desire to talk to him, so that was funny.

  4. The problem comes from guys not taking a hint or paying attention. Don't just ask a girl for her # just because she's hot. Talk to her for a few minutes first. Then if she's NOT eyeing the door at that point say. "let me get your # and we'll get together sometime". It's simple!
