Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Second to None!!!

So tell me what any of you would've done differently in this situation, or if it was valid...

You like a boy. You guys have been hanging out, and also going on some dates for the past few months. It hasn't progressed to a serious relationship, but everyone pretty much knows you guys are into each other. He still hangs out with an ex something or other from a city 30 minutes away. Ok, cool...he doesn't owe you anything, you guys aren't anything official. However, recently he has been talking to you almost every day, going to all church activities with you, and still acting completely fine and flirty when people in the ward make comments about you two, including the bishopric. So, the ward is going to...lets say a rodeo this upcoming weekend. Last week, he asks you if you're going to the rodeo, and when you reply "yeah", he says, "cool! I'll go!". Then his sister is sitting there and you two together are trying to convince her to go with you guys. So...that sounds like you guys are going to go together right???....

Lets continue with the story...

The week goes by, and things are still fine. He had gone to another ward gathering with you, walked you home, everything is great! You're finally feeling confident enough to talk to him about where this is headed. The inevitable DTR. and you really feel it necessary to talk to him, because he did go hang out with "the ex" again. So, you guys hang out, it's great again. Then comes another Sunday...

Everyone is getting their tickets for the rodeo, things are hunky-dory. However...come to find out, someone accidentally gave your rodeo ticket away. You find out the boy has an extra ticket. Why does he have an extra ticket you ask?? Apparently the bishopric has told him to buy an extra ticket so that he can take someone. He hesitantly tells you you can have his extra ticket. But you're no dummy! "were you going to take someone" you ask. He sits there with a stupid look on his face, and finally replies, "". "Too long of a hesitation buddy, I know you were planning on taking someone else" Some more conversations go on, and you're pretty irritated, You're not being your normal "charming" self if you will. After a few snippy remarks, he once again says you can have his extra ticket.

"Uh, you had someone specific in mind that you were going to invite, right?" "Yeah..." he says, and then here it comes ladies, he says, "...but I'll take you now" Excuse me??? You'll take me NOW??? Sorry buddy, that's not how it works!!! So you repley, "No thanks...I am NOT going with you. You do NOT want to go with do NOT want to take me. You don't worry about me. I'll figure out how to get my own ticket, and you just ask whoever it was you had in mind". Seriously people??? What would you have done? First of all...what happened to him asking you if you were going to the rodeo last week, and then trying to convince his sister to go with you guys? embarrassing/awkward would that have been. You show up to the rodeo thinking you're going to be hanging out with him, and he shows up with another girl! Ladies...You are second to none!!! You remember what you're worth. You do not need to convince anyone that you're worth liking, or that you're cool enough. You remember that you ARE worth it, and you ARE cool, and you my friend are second to none!!!


  1. This is so ironic, almost this exact same thing happened to a girl I know. It is such a small world.

  2. It is so true. You definitely don't need to convince anyone to like you. THANKS FOR letting ME KNOW I am second to none! ;)

  3. that guy is LAME-O! Seriously man, wake up and smell the girl that's right in front of you! Ex's are ex's for a reason! Time to MOVE ON! ANd for you lady, you did the right thing. Sounds like you deserve better to me! So go out there and get some better!

  4. who does this kid thing he is? GG? that is right HE IS second to none! no girl should ever be treated like that. she deserves so much more! And i can GUARENTEE that she would be able to get a guy who is head over heals for her, and would want his mother's grandbabies from her!

    don't settle i tell this girl....and know that there is a super HOTT guy waiting somewhere to go to a journey concert with her!

  5. Oooh...nice touch Talise! A Journey concert? If a guy took me to a Journey concert, I'd pretty much be sold. That or if he sent me a boquet of sharpened pencils! Haha. And seriously, there are way better guys out there than this guy. Good for you for standing up for yourself. Give yourself a pat on the back!
